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| Summary
“Dzieiaslou” is a new literary edition, founded by a group of writers as an alternative to such magazines as “Polymia”, “Nioman”, “Maladosts”, “Kryni-tsa” and the newspaper “Litaratura and Mastatstva” that have been in fact appropria-ted by the Belarusian State officials. “Dzieiaslou” intends to gather the most talented literary workers, giving them the possibility to openly present their works to readers without any pressure from the State.
The first “Dzieiaslou” issue is a peculiar anthology that depicts the state of the Belarusian literature in the recent years. “Poetry” section includes new poems of the State Belarusian prize-holders Nil Hilievich (Belarusian people’s poet) and Alies Razanau, the poem “Palanez” by Uladzimir Niakliaieu, works of the younger generation poets – Lieanid Dranko-Maisiuk, Alies Pismiankou, Mikhas Skobla, the Belarusian poet from Poland Ian Chykvin. Besides, there are debut verses of the young female artist Iulia Haidukova.
“Dzieiaslou” comprises many examples of the contemporary Belarusian prose. There are two novels from “The Wonderful Deer of Eternal Hunt”, the new book by Sviatlana Aliexievich, Laureate of many literary prizes, the lyrical notes of the people’s writer Ianka Bryl – “Spring”, Iury Stankievich’s novel “Letter to “Milky Way” Galaxy”, Andrei Fiedarenka’s stories “Rough Papers and Letters”, Mikalai Zakharanka’s “Murder in Parkway Street”, Vitsiebsk etudes by Siarhiei Rublieuski “Kazimir’s Square Angle” and “Mark’s Hasidic Curve”. The famous writer Uladzimir Arlou appears here as an interpreter with his translation of “Easter Electric Train” written by the well-known Ukrainian dramaturge Aliaxandr Irvaniets.
In the section of criticism and publicist works there are Anatol Kudra-viets’s essay “Three in a Room” (the creative portrait of Viktar Karamazau, a writer of the “60-ies generation”); the discussion of Lieanid Halubovich with Alies Astashonak “One Needs God’s Permission to Become Artist…” (vision of the present literary process in Belarus from abroad); Siarhiei Dubaviets’s Internet forum “My People”; Anatol Sidarevich’s article “Poet and Dictatorship” (devoted to the 120th anniversary of Ianka Kupala’s birthday); “Anger’s Ruts” by Faryd Zakarya (about the sources of one of the humankind’s global problems, international terrorism)’; Liudmila Rublieuskaia’s “White Cross above White Land” (to the portrait of the contemporary Belarusian literature); Sviatlana Bierastsien’s “Music and Prose of Our Feasts” (overview of the musical festivals, held in Belarus every year); Piatro Vasilieuski’s “Pat-riarch’s Autumn?..” (reflection about Mikhail Savitski: a collaborator, trimmer, artist laureate or a classic of the Belarusian painting?); “Ryhor’s Star” (an essay about creative work of the young artist Ryhor Sitnitsa by Halina Bahdanava). “Ward No. 6” section presents “Man as Punctuation Mark” by Iauhien Rahin. The edition ends with Iryna Shauliakova’s overview of the newest interesting books and magazine publications. |