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The first number of the new literary-fiction edition “Dzieiaslou” appeared in September 2002. It was issued as an alternative to the magazines that were illegally taken away from Belarusian literary workers by Belarusian authorities. The new edition immediately started to defend liberty of word, the right of writers to publish their works without any ideological censorship and the right of readers to get acquaintance with new pieces of literature, objective elucidation of public and political events in the country and abroad.
The second “Dzieiaslou” number opens with a collection of verses by the People’s poet of Belarus Ryhor Baradulin. The “Poetry” rubric contains new verses of the well-known Belarusian poets, winners of numerous awards Vasil Zuionak, Anatol Viartsinski, such poets of the middle and the younger generation as Siarzhuk Sokalau-Voiush, Viktar Iarats, Viktar Slinka, Siarzhuk Sys. The rubric of “Prose” is represented with a novel by Uladzimir Stsiapan, stories by Halina Karzhanieuskaia, Lieanid Dranko-Maisiuk, Vintses Mudrou, Piatro Vasiuchenka, Siarhiei Astraviets and Palina Kachatkova.
In the “Debut” we publish works of the beginners, this time there are verses of Volha Bazyliova and a novel of Khrystsina Kurchankova.
Correspondence of the prominent Belarusian poetess Larysa Hieniush with the scientist Mikola Prashkovich (“Zelva Letters”) where she mentions the years she spent in GULag, very sincerely describes feelings and troubles of a person without citizenship (she didn’t take USSR citizenship) is published in the “Archive”.
The publicist part of the edition will interest readers with Iury Chavusau’s article where terrorism is concerned as conflict of the traditional and modern culture (“Riot against Modernity”), the view of the present Belarus and Czech by Vital Taras who lives in Czech (”Czech sketches”), the village diary for 2002 by Siarhiei Shautsou (“Buy a House”), Ula-dzimir Siuchykau’s essay (“My Damieika”) devoted to the 200th anniversary of birth of the famous Belarusian Ihnat Damieika.
In the number there is also Uladzimir Konan’s reflexion about eschatological motives in Ianka Kupala’s writings (“… And Dreadful Is to See in Fetters Strength”), Lieanid Halubovich’s thoughts about the contemporary Belarusian poetry (“Unfinished Belarus”), Andrei Khadanovich’s talk with a founder of the Ukrainian “Bu-Ba-Bu” movement Iury Andrukho-vich (“… “We should Get to People, Encourage Them More Actively”), the polemic excise of Alies Astrautsou about the origin of Belarusians (“The ”L” Rune”), the critical article of Volha Barabanshchykava about the present state of Belarusian cinema (“Cinema of Destroyed Dome”, the creative portrait of the well-known Belarusian artist Siarzhuk Tsimokhau by Piatro Vasilieuski (“Is It Far From Comeback Point”).
In the end of the number, “Dzieiaslou” proposes to readers Liudmila Rublieuskaia’s review-analysis of the most interesting books that have been recently issued in Belarus (“Alter Ego”). |