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Rygor Baradulin. Angel of Compassion. Poems.
Andrej Chadanovič. History Lessons. Poems.
Aleś Arkuš. Near Dzvina in the Tall Grass. Poems.
Viktar Jarac. Earthy Etudes. Poems.
Maks Ščur. An Invisible Library. Poems.
Uładzimir Papkovič. Anguish. Poems.
Słavamir Adamovič. The Price of Europe or Vilman’s Stories. A novel. Book 1.
Siarhiej Rubleŭski. Light of Scales. From the Book for Those Who Loves Fishing with All Heart.
A story.
Juraś Niesciarenka. Changes. A short story.
Aksana Sprynčan. A Belarusian Fool. Female novel and a bit of manure.
Siarhiej Veracila. Sieržyk. A short story.
Volha Hapiejeva. The Cardiogram: The Story of One Disagreement. Fairy tail farce.
Viktar Siamaška. Closest to God. Poems.
Marylia Paŭłoŭskaja. ...And There Was Day, And There Was Night... Almost fairy tail.
Zmitrok Kuzmenka. What Freedom Is? Poems.
Daniel Kehlmann. Rosalie Goes Off to Die. A short story.
“And Everything to Amuse You Or to Break Your Heart...”. Poems of five Georgian poets.
Shota Iatashvili; Maia Sarishvili; Zviad Ratiani; Amiran Svimonishvili; David Robakidze.
Siarhiej Zakońnikaŭ. The Mark of Scorpion. Memories from childhood.
Cikhan Čarniakievič. “Sadness and a Smile Must Be in It…”. Michaś Stralcoŭ‘s story text history
“The Horse Was Walking in the Wild”.
Aleś Jemialjanaŭ. Love and Death. Aleś Jemialjanaŭ‘s unknown works.
Siarhiej Šapran. “With All My Heart...” Uładzimir Karatkievič‘s writers‘ blessing.
“A Grey Heron of Eternity”. Uladzimir Arłoŭ talking to Andrej Maskvin.
“The “Karatkievič‘s Code” Is Encrypted in the Script of “The Boat of Despair“.
Hleb Łabadzienka talking to Kaciaryna Kazakova.
Anatol Hryckevič. The Year 1612 in Russian History ...And Its Explaining by Russian Politicians And Historians.
Yury Stankevič. Lessons of Sensei. Memories of Akira Kurosawa.
Kaciaryna Bezmacernych. Palyashuks, esoterics, teachers.
Artists Tamara and Uładzimir Vasiuk talking to Kaciaryna Bezmacernych.
Marharyta Aliaškievič. The Favourite Game. Belarusian Postmodern: If It Exists?
Maryja Martysievič. Damavikameron Kids With The Taste of Burned Rubber.
Notes in the margins of the Valery Hapiejeŭ’s book «Lessons of First Love».
Maryna Viesiałucha. A Time to Build Bridges. Notes about Danuta Bičel‘s book
«The Bridge of St. Francis».
New books on DZIEJASŁOŬ’s shelves. |