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| Summary
It is with a series of poems To Continue by the Peple’s Poet of Belarus Ryhor Baradulin, whose jubilee we are going to celebrate soon, that DZIEJASŁOÚ opens a new year and the new issue. By the way, this year you can have DZIEJASŁOÚ delivered by post if you choose to subscribe, just like hundreds of our readers throughout Belarus, who have already opted for subscription.
You can also find in the Poetry section On the Borderland between Day and Night by Nina Maciaš, On the Road to Heaven by Eduard Akulin, It Is Our Land by Viktar Šnip and Charms from Navabielica by Iryna Bahdanovič.
We have been longing to read Time to Pick up Bones. The Gospel as if by St.Luke by Viktar Kaźko, and here it is! You will undoubtedly be captivated by it as soon as you begin reading. Apart from that, Andrej Fiedarenka brings forth his essay With a Basket or the Story of an Unwritten Novel, Ała Siamionava presents her short stories The Snapshot and O.K! whereas Siarhiej Astraviec comes to a conclusion that Life Is Life and Aleh Daškievič tells the story of A Hog.
It has become our tadition to introduce young authors making their debut in DZIEJASŁOÚ. This time they are a BSU student Viktar Ivanoú (see his Creative Air) and Harodnia-based poet Hanna Aúčyńnikava (see The Heart and the Sky).
Arciom Arašonak, whose prosaic sketches were published in our previous issue, now offers his translation of A Dismal Reality by Erich Maria Remark. Meanwhile, Maksim Ščur from Prague has rendered into Belarusian some poems by Federico García Lorca. They are given under the title Carmen Is Dancing.
The section of Social Writings opens with an article Chains Are Imprinted on Our Souls by Alaksiej Pietkievič, in which the author recounts his meetings with Łarysa Hienijuš. And here comes a real sensation, a series of Łarysa Hienijuš poems I Never Fancied Shadows in My Life, which have never been published before. In 2002 Russian critic Valentinn Oskotsky visited Vasil Bykaú in Germany and recorded one of his last interviews. Their conversation touches upon some subjects that are still of crucial importance to our society, so we publish it under the headline To Resist Totalitarianism. Andrej Chadanovič has more than once published his smart poems in DZIEJASŁOÚ, but this time he has two short essays, Belarus at the European Playground.
Besides, Anatol Viarcinsky, who quotes the opening line of a popular song Oh, You, My Garden, then poses a question How Many Enemies Does the Belarusian Cause Have? Vankarem Nikifarovič shares his memories of Aleś Adamovič (see Did People Understand Him?). Alena Masła in Responsibility for the Future discusses some important ‘childhood’ issues. Anatol Ivaščanka and Usievaład Ścieburaka have interviewed the renowned Belarusian artist Kastuś Charaševič, so their conversation is published as Don’t Be Indifferent. Anatol Butevič under the pen name of Prochar Eavesdropper offers his experimental piece Revengeful Ray Roughing up Rapacious Rob, all the words in which begin with one and the same letter.
Aleś Akulič in Bookronicle analyses some noteworthy books that have been published recently, such as The Voice by Vasil Hadulka, The Time of Cranes by Hienadź Buraúkin, The Flute of Solitude by Nił Hilevič and Birds and Fish by Łarysa Ramanava.
Starting from this issue, DZIEJASŁOÚ is going to introduce its special questionnaire to be filled in by the most eminent men of letters. The first ones to reveal the secrets of their creative process are Valancin Akudovič, Uładzimier Arłoú and Mikoła Aúramčyk. |